And as most nursing moms know breastfed babies eat quite often...sometimes it seems like it never stops..well my experience with breastfeeding has apparently paid off for LO...
How you may ask? Well I'll tell you...
Since LO was about a 1 1/2 months old she would eat about 3 ounces of formula, never more then that and sometimes even less. We were feeding her about every 2 was (is) very tiresome sometimes...but hey...that's what happens when you breastfeed so I just chalked it up to baby behavior..
At her 4 month check up I asked the doctor about LO's feeding behavior...every time I switch her to a faster nipple she seems like she's gagging and yet the slow nipple seems to tire her out and she gives up drinking. The doctor decided that the best thing would be to have LO go for a Speech Therapy consult to see if there was some issues with her muscle tone in her jaw.
So off we went to see what was going on..
And well, she has no gag reflex, she doesn't have proper suction/feeding technique, and she is very sensory tactile (which apparently is an issue at this age). The therapist said we should also keep an eye on her because she might have a sensory processing disorder.
So what does this have to do with breastfeeding? Well these are all issues that would have been noticed in the first few weeks of nursing and though they would have caused a nursing mom some issues, a skilled lactation consultant would have been able to help correct some of the issues by proper mouth placement.
Talking to the therapist helped me feel better, I thought I was over reacting..but what really made me feel good was the therapist said that most of the babies that she sees with LO's issues are severly underweight..and the fact that she is at the proper weight shows how well I read/respond to her cues and that my experience as a breastfeeding mother is what helped the most. Since I was already subconsciously prepared to be feeding almost constantly.
So over the next few months we are doing physical therapy...she has been switched to a different nipple, a different type of pacifier. We have to use this funky chewy tube thing
So the good thing about this whole situation is that by catching this early her eating, swallowing, and speech won't be affected..
All because I was a breastfeeding mom!
I breastfed all of mine past a year and would have longer except I had another to feed (3 in 3 years) or they just stopped on their own!
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I know this post is a year old but I had to applaud you! Well done, I know not everyone finds it easy although I think Society has made excuses and reasons possible. I breastfed all my 4 kids too, the first 3 for 2 years and the last, because he was the youngest, I stopped when he was 3! I know, in our modern society that's way too old and weird for people but neither of us was ready. we woke up one day and felt ready!