That being said I'm going to write about something that has come up today..
Veronica at CrunchyVTMommy and over at Raising My Boychick everyone was talking about Erica Jongs article Mothering Madness in the Saturday issue of the Wall Street Journal. Both blogs had great takes on Attachment Parenting and how motherhood isn't a prison.
I'd like to talk about her third paragraph which starts out like this:
We also assume that "mother" and "father" are exclusive terms, though in other cultures, these terms are applied to a variety of aunts, uncles and other adults. Kinship is not exclusively biological, after all, and you need a brood to raise a brood.She is correct, it doesn't take blood to raise a family. Look at all the people who become foster parents and adoptive parents. We take on children that are not biologically ours and try to raise them to the best of our ability. But adoptive/foster parents sometimes face an uphill battle because the children they choose to raise can already have issues making proper attachments, making it more important that these mothers focus on attachment and not "handing" them off to others to help raise.
Her next few sentences are this..
Cooperative child-rearing is obviously convenient, but some anthropologists believe that it also serves another more important function: Multiple caregivers enhance the cognitive skills of babies and young children. Any family in which there are parents, grandparents, nannies and other concerned adults understands how readily children adapt to different caregivers. Surely this prepares them better for life than stressed-out biological parents alone.
When I was a babe back in the early 70's my mother was encouraged to bottle feed, to let me cry myself to sleep, and to not pick me up all the time. And even now as an adult, I can tell my mom that is not how I want to raise my child she will argue with me. She'll tell me how it didn't do me any harm..So how do I know that when I leave my child with her that she is following my wishes? That I want her picked up him instant he cries, that I want her to lay down with him until he falls asleep, that I want her to wear him as much as possible. I don't and neither do other parents who choose to follow the Attachment Parenting path. Please note..I'm not dissing my mom, I love my mom tremendously and without her I wouldn't be who I am today, but I recognize her limits
And her final sentence of the paragraph
Some of these stressed-out parents have come to loathe Dr. Sears and his wife and consider them condescending colonialists in love with noble savagery.I have found that the parents who are "stressed-out" tend to be the ones that can't see the long term results of the two to three years of stress..Yes it was hard to breast feed my son until he was 2, but now at 16, I smile everyday because I know that my attachment parenting made him the fine young man he is today!
Thanks for this! I totally agree, and what is especially hard is the part about your mom. It's important to create and support a village, but sometimes it can be difficult to accept or decide whether to accept a family member into that village.